Couture Fashion Week New York: Pietra Banchi (USA)

Yesterday was the first day of the Couture Fashion Week New York. 

I was running late and had to, unfortunately, miss two shows. I was also worried that knowing how fierce the battle for the 'sunny spot' on a photo press panel can get, I was not looking towards facing the many male photographers on the scene. There were about 50 men in the press/photo to a few of the gals. But I've learned from the trade - [that is - having worked as a journalist] that you don't have to be nasty, as a matter of fact, if you are strategically nice to your fellow press members, they'd be willing to open up and be nice as well. And here it goes...

It also helps to make friends with the other press members. As I got to the fashion shows, I saw some of the people I made friends with at the previous shows and they were more than willing to not only make a space for me, but also to give me a primer spot! So, here I'm sharing with you the first fashion show I shot of Pietra Banchi.


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