My New Favorite Spring Nail Polish

Talking about the nail polish. It's either very right or very wrong, with nothing in between, because no one wants to wear a mediocre polish. Every season - as with anything - a woman shops for both the seasonal nail polish and/or for a classic one that is always in style, like Essie's "Sugar Daddy" and Revlon's "Red". While some colors come and go - like the neon colors, the classic ones are always in style, but they can bore you to death if you keep on using only them, so you mix it up, especially when it comes to the summer, when not only both toes and nails are exposed, but also because it's summer - one goes for more color in the summer.
And this season around, I felt like I want to add some dark pink nail polish to my home collection. I've tried all kinds of pink shades to find the one that would give me a good mood. I think I tried all the brands until I found the one that works for me.
My new favorite nail polish for Spring and Summer is Sally Hensen's "Back to the Fuchsia". You can buy it here and/or at your nearest pharmacy store.
It gives the exact look I wanted - not too much of fuchsia (magenta) and not too much of the baby pink, but just the right amount of the pink without making it look too bright, but still enough of the brightness and joyfulness to give me a good mood. Surprisingly, this pink-fuchsia works with many colors...
