Learning From The Experiences: Graphic Design

In continuation to my blog post about the first Designers & Books Fair 2012 in New York City that took place at the Fashion Institute of Technology on October 27 and 28, here's my posting about the sessions that involved some of the best graphic designers in U.S. who came to the fair to talk about their work and the books that have inspired them throughout the years. 


In this session - The Learning from Experience: Four Graphic Designers in Conversation - I've met Elaine Lustig Cohen (Graphic Designer and Artist, New York), Tom Geismar (Graphic Designer, Chermayeff & Geismar, New York), Hilary Greenbaum (Graphic Designer, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York), and Prem Krishnamurthy (Graphic Designer, Project Projects, New York). 

These working designers with incredible experience in the industry shared with us their career paths – how they became the designers, the current projects they are working on right now and, most importantly, the books that influenced them both professionally and personally. 

A Graphic Designer Elaine Cohen has been inspired by "Antonio's Girls" by Antonio Lopez
Inspired by Alexander McQueen's "Savage Beauty". I've got this book right after I saw McQueen's Savage Beauty exhibition at the MET last year. I was absolutely blown away!
I was absolutely ecstatic to be meeting these talented professionals, each one of whom has had made an impact on both the NY design scene and the global scale.

Krisnhamurthy's project Project Projects is unbelievably creative. I just want to browse through the 'studio' all day long. Geismar has created some of the worldwide known logos that you all have seen but might have not known who was the man behind the idea and execution. Here you go, now you know!

Prem Krishnamurthy (far right) discusses the design books he has on his book shelf (pictured)...
I also really liked how Cohen talked about today's generation of the designers in comparison to her generation and how the graphic design and the approach to the creative process has changed over the years. All of it you can find in my article here.

Here's just a few books that you need to put on your list if you are: a) an aspiring designer (of any kind!) b) a working designer c) a student designer, and if you are just a very creative individual: 
Hearing Cohen mentioning Kandinsky as her favorite artist whose work has been inspiring her throughout her career was music to my ears because he's one of my favorite artists of all times! My favorite work, which I have at home as well is this one.

Don't forget to see all the videos from the graphic design session, introducing the designers' work and have them talk about their work: 

Here Alice Twemlow introduces Tom Geismar.
Here Alice Twemlow introduces Elaine Lustig Cohen.
Here Alice Twemlow introduces Prem Krishnamurthy.
To see the conversations with the designers, please visit my YouTube channel here.
To see Tom Geismar talk about the design books that inspire him, click here, here and here.
To learn about Hilary Greenbaum, click here.
To see Prem Krishnamurthy talk about the design books that inspire him, click here.


Snyder Marci said…
Great amazing collection looking so fantastic images here. Thanks a lot for sharing with us !!

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