An Individual Style To Biking

Should I say no more that I'm a big fan of biking? Although, recently, I've been spending more time rollerblading.


Nevertheless, whenever I go out to bike and/or rollerblade, I take my camera, because, biking is not just sports and/or fitness, it's got its own style. Or, should I say, the people who bike - they've got their own style of biking.

I see very interesting characters: from couple's biking to very professional bikers with a full attire and equipment. I see kids and elderly. I see two-some/three-some bikes that allow to tag the small kids along. I see all sorts of interesting bikers, helmets, baskets, bags, etc... Here's an interesting comparison: a professional biker vs. a casual stylish bike-stroller...


And more on the New York bikers...


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