Waiting For A Therapy

It's unlikely that you'd think that fashion would need some therapy. 
I'm talking about the latest film from Roman Polanski "A Therapy" that is being presented by Prada. I'm dying to see. 
And what did you think I meant?
I'm a big fan of Roman Polanski directorial work. I'm the kind of the 'art & creativity appreciator' who sets apart the art from ...well, anything else: politics, economy, social issues, etc. Regardless of what the society might think of Polanski, Mel Gibson, etc. - I, merely, look at what they've done for the industry they work for: the film industry. I don't judge. I don't accuse. I just look at the art form and how it affects me and the society. Who could argue that The Pianist is not a masterpiece?

That's said, I've been waiting for the release of Polanski latest film A Therapy - [that's been screened at this year's Cannes Film Festival] - that features a brilliant cast - [what else to expect from him, anyway?!] - of Helena Bonham Carter and Ben Kingsley, two of the actors I'm a huge fan of. What's interesting is that the trailer is being presented by PRADA. I guess we are up to see a rather fashionable film...


Screenplay: Roman Polanski and Ronald Harwood 
Music: Alexandre Desplat, who, by the way, also wrote music for Harry Potter and New Moon films!


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