A Honey Delight That Runs In The Family
Growing up with the best grandmother ever, from an early age I was exposed to all the baking - one of the activities that my grandma is very passionate about - [and she is great at it too!]. I could spent hours watching my grandma making dough, rolling out the sheets of thin dough and filling them up with all kinds of ingredients - from potatoes and cabbage to cottage cheese and fresh berries. I still don't know how I managed to escape getting fat as I definitely indulged in all the freshly baked pies and cakes.
I'm in owe for my grandma for making my life so much more beautiful and full... |
And even now, up to this day, when I come and visit my grandma, she puts on her apron and a white cap and asks me what I want her to bake me and one of the things I always ask her to make is her signature honey cake that takes two days as it requires some serious preparation, but at the end - the cake is to die for.
Not a single birthday of mine went without this cake. Even when we moved away with my parents, she would ship it to me by a train for every single birthday of mine and I always looked forward to it. No one could even come remotely close to the way she made the cake.
So, when my girlfriend brought me a piece of a honey cake from one of the best Russian restaurants - [expensive too!] - in New York, The Pushkin Cafe, I was suspicious that it would not leave up to my expectations. That's one of the reasons that I never ever buy a honey cake anywhere, because I knew that it would never match up to the one of my grandma!
Russian Layered Cake, Dulce de Leche Ice
Cream, Honey
This is too too fancy of a description, but I can see why they do it - it's a fancy restaurant, it should be a fancy menu.

Well, I had it and I think in a long, long time I could say that their honey cake came close enough to the one my grandma makes, but I'll still think of my grandma's cake as the best in the world. However, I'd definitely suggest someone to try it if you happen to visit The Pushkin Cafe...
And since I've pretty much tempted you enough and water-mouthed you, here's a recipe for the Honey Cake that, according to my research as I went through quite a few of the recipes, comes very close to how my grandma makes it. [Sorry, but the secret family recipe for the honey cake stays within the family, ha!]