Love Affair With A Jean Shirt
Is there a way to tell a story of a jean shirt?

Not long ago I thought I'd be rather caught dead than wearing jean on jean. I remember how funny I found a comment made by Charlotte's gay friend Anthony (Sex and The City) when she says "What could be more tragic than missing fall in New York City", Anthony says "Wearing a matching jean shirt with jeans"... For some reason, this is exactly how I felt before.

Now, I'm obsessed with my jean shirt. I basically wear it with everything, including jeans. I feel that it's far from being 'tragic', it, actually, looks very, very good. Thanks for the jean trend in the last few years that has been promoting the look of wearing jeans with a jean shirt and/or jacket, it's not longer considered 'tragic' to wear an all-jean outfit in the fashion world. Just break it off at the waste line!

A jean shirt is perfect for both casual and formal looks, as long as you combine it well with the rest of the look. A jean shirt underneath a clean cut formal jacket over formal black pants is as business-formal for the office as sans the shirt. It actually adds that 'missing ingredient' to making an office look a bit more stylish.
A jean shirt over a short and/or long skirt, with a belt or sans, with a scarf or sans - looks good in a combination of both 'army boots' and stilettos.

A jean shirt pretty much goes with everything, and in most occasions it actually saves the look 'drama'.
