The Afro Style Is Back...
I'm really loving it. It reminds me of all the retro 1970s films about the African-American civil rights movements, Jazz clubs and Diana Ross era...I could never understand why so many African-American women color and flatten their hair when it looks so good the natural style? I hope they'd keep the 'new' look for a while! What do you think?
By the way, a very interesting documentary just came out in Washington, DC and New York, it's called “The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975.” I saw the preview the other day and definitely thought it offers a deep insight into the era of "African-American unrests, societal attempts to change the African-American culture and underground influences of drugs and violence" that is not really known for the majority of people, except for a few historians...
The New York Times writes: "Among other things an extraordinary feat of editing and archival research, takes up a familiar period in American history from a fresh and fascinating angle. In the late 1960s and early ’70s, Swedish television journalists traveled to the United States with the intention of “showing the country as it really is.” Some of the images and interviews they collected have been assembled by Goran Hugo Olsson into a roughly chronological collage that restores a complex human dimension to the racial history of the era".