
Showing posts from September, 2011

Tattoo, Anyone?

My photo for VOA Let's just say - I'm very, very tempted to get a tattoo now...

A Shoe Tale: The Runaways Bring Back Retro-Classics...

I'll be very fast with you today, cause the craziness with the fashion weeks is not over yet - I'm having a post-tantrum syndrome of wanting to do it all and having no time for it...ahh, please help! I don't even know how many times I told myself in the past to keep it simple, to keep it to just a few photos of a show, but I always end up with too many to choose from... However, I'm super excited to tell you that for those who love the 'old school lady-like cocktail dress' shoes, they are back! Now, when you wear something like that, and other people where Louboutins or the likes of them...or you see them wear very heavy-on-a-look boot-like shoes - you'd be far from non-fashionable and non-stylish... I, personally, think it's very sensual...

Couture Fashion Week NY: Pilar Macchione (USA)

Photo: VOA Do not worry, I'm on track of publishing all the shows I've attended during the Couture Fashion Week NY . I'm hitting the mark to the point of loosing sanity - and sleep - but it's all for the good cause. I hope. I hope you are enjoying fashion as much as I do...If not, let me know, I'd write more about dating and diets ha ha ha ... I was joking, of course...And that brings me to introducing you to one more participating designers in Couture Fashion Week NY, Fall 2011. If I didn't know she was from USA, I'd say that her 'dark' and  - in the genre of classic 1920s German Expressionist horror films like "Nosferatu" and/or Dr Caligari ... very expressionistic and narrative styles - I'd say she was French and/or German ... Her collection looked very bohemian - just as I'd picture a perfect collection custom-made for the 'gals' of Drakula and/or Morticia Frump Addams - as in "Addams Family"'s Ms...

It's My Daily Inspiration, Again: Uliana

I can't tell you how much joy it brings to me to see Uliana on a gray morning - or on any day xoxo... Especially, when she wears ones of her bright and very colorful mix-and-match wardrobes...Not to mention the fashion risks she takes - and, unlike with many of us out there - it actually works with her - or, rather - on her...

A Colorful Insight: DC Fashion Week 2011

My photo for VOA Fashion weeks are officially over in USA. They've been now taking Europe by storm...and this might have been such a sight...Ah, [sigh] - for not being there. It's interesting how a human nature works - you're looking forward to the fashion weeks, but once they are in progress, you're looking forward to the end of them because of all the exhaustion of working at the shows - not to mention the overwhelming amount of design-shots that you then need to sort through and choose the ones that really stand out...But it's very possible that they can ALL stand out and that makes my job mission impossible. I then have to look through hundreds of photos...By the time I'm done, I'm exhausted - and that's THE mistake not to make, because something that you love - like a favorite hobby of yours - should never tire you down to the point that you're thinking of taking a break from it :) Either way, even though I now have tons of photos to pi...

Inside DC Fashion Week 2011: The Capital's Fabulousity...

As it always happens at the last moment - something - THAT something - makes me miss some of the fashion shows only in time to catch up with the fashionistas at the next shows to tell me that I haven't missed much... It's actually rather sad when someone says about a fashion week -"it's been dull"...This is definitely not something you'd hear at the NY Fashion Week - months in advance NY fashionistas start looking around to see if anyone knows someone - who knows somebody - who has access to the tickets to the fashion shows. It's like with the bouncers at the cool, hip and happening lounges - you've got to know them! You've got to know your way around. So, I hung on tight to my PRESS badge - the ultimate access key to the fabulousity of the fashion shows...

It's Back, It's Military...

The military style is back! It seems as everywhere I go, I see something of a military-style clothing item and/or an accessory... At the same time, I have a feeling that the 'military' style has never left - military jackets, military boots, military multicolor khaki jeans and pants, military backs...I still have a wool military-style jacket I got in Rome in 2005, and for the past few years that I've worn it, it's been always receiving complements - just as if it'd been a timeless piece...Maybe, it is.

Fashionable Cozy-Ups For The Fall...

I hate to be the one to tell you that the summer is over, but...

It's DC Fashion Week: A Preview...

For the second year in a row I've been attending DC Fashion Week . Many things have been said about the DC fashion scene, among the most predominant and often-said things are that DC is far from being a fashionable place ...

Ahh, A Hat Essential: Fall 2011

I've never been too much for a hat-in-season-transition person. It was always black and white for me - late fall - winter - early spring warm hats...Not much of a fedora and/or a beach wide large brim straw beach hats either.... I especially adore ladies who can pull together a bowler hat! So, any time I see how my girlfriends - [one in particular] - can pull together a 'fedora' situation, I truly admire them for that...Meet my friend, Karina and her many 'hat' situations...

My Old, New Love...Faux-Fur Vests and Trims

With a little help from my fury beast, I put together a petite guide to the Fall's Essentials...It's all about faux-fur vests and faux-fur-trim collars ...

Outside The Show: Casually Fashionable, Casually Sweet...And Too Casual

Fashion Show security team is to the fashionistas as a popular lounge's bouncers are to the socialites - unbreakable... I usually don't get too upset for having the doors to a fashion show closed on time. That's the procedure. That's the usual policy that everyone should abide to, even the crème de la crème of the fashion world - [except maybe Anna Wintour, who is so IMPORTANTLY ESSENTIAL to the designers that they even schedule the shows around her schedule...] That's said - I, sometimes, can run late by 5-10 minutes late - [just as it happened last time at the NY Fashion Week] - and don't get in the show, and no matter how much - [and how visual] - I try to explain to the doormen-bouncers a reason behind me being late -...

Couture Fashion Week NY: Evgenia Luzhina-Salazar (Russia/USA)

I don't know about the others, but as far as the countries represented at the fashion shows come, I always route for the ones that are closer to my heart - the ones from Russia, USA and France...Yes, I have a soft side for those countries because of the time I spent living there...So, here you go, you know my soft side now, so don't use it against me, because I do appreciate the works of the designers from all other countries as well. So, wow to the collection I'm gonna talk about here! Bare with me.  In my opinion, this à la Russe collection from Evgenia Luzhina-Salazar (who is a Russian designer with many years of theatrical costume design work in her belt) was a true standout show @ Couture Fashion Week this season. She did fantastic work not only with the headdresses inspired by ' kokoshnik ', a traditional Russian woman's headdress, but with the overall collection...

A Woman Is Re-Born...And I'm loving it!

I don't know about you, but I'm very, very happy to see that these Fall's Fashion Week's designers brought the feminine look back - they gave women back their sensual side. In everything - from hair up-dos and down-dos to gowns - women were shining on the runaways during the fashion week in New York.

Couture Fashion Week NY: Andres Aquino (USA)

Andres Aquino's opening act... I respect perfectionists, although if you are far from being one yourself, it would be difficult for you to deal with a perfectionist. I can truly call myself a perfectionist, but not in all aspects of my life. I give myself a slack here and there, but I could never go to sleep with a sink full of dirty dishes.

Couture Fashion Week NY: Walid Atallah (Dubai)

Last night I realized that I might have given up on a lifetime opportunity that might never happen again.... It made me sad. One of my best friends spent a few years living in Dubai for work. Last year we wanted to organize a reunion between the three of us - the girls who've met almost 15 years ago in college and have been friends still... But because of many complications at the time, I couldn't go...[sigh] I had a great opportunity not only to visit DUBAI, but to have a safe place to stay, to see the city through the eyes of a local and - to see my girlfriends...This made me sad as I looked over the shots I've done for Walid Atallah collection at Couture Fashion Week - a Dubai designer. What a beautiful, exotic country that is...At least I saw a bit of the country's richness - through the eyes of Walid Atallah and his lavish collection of gowns...

Couture Fashion Week NY: Amal Sarieddine (Lebanon)

This was one of the collections I've seen on the first day of Couture Fashion Week New York. It was from Amal Sarieddine - an award-winning Middle Eastern fashion designer who made her third appearance at Couture Fashion Week in New York City.

To My Left Side of The Lense: Recalling The Fashion Weeks...

Yes, that's what was going on to the right side of me at the show... It was rather refreshing to be a part of Couture Fashion Week New York to see the collections from relatively unknown designers from around the world - to see fresh faces. Last time I've come to CFWNY, it was last February - [NYC is NOT pleasant at that time!] - and I've survived all 20+ something shows, back to back. So, when I was invited to attend CFWNY this Fall's and see the collections of the new designers, I pretty much knew what to expect.

Robert Verdi @MBFW...

I just love, love, love Robert Verdi . His makes me want to dress better :)... So, you can imagine how excited I was to sit across him at Naeem Khan show @ Lincoln Center. He was dress in all black, very simple, very chic - a black turtleneck, black fit pants [fit as in "European men fit" jeans, as I like it on a man], black shoes, black jacket and big [statement] silver watch. Yes - I did zoom my camera on him...

YB Couture by Yana Benhuri (Russia/USA)...Couture Fashion Week NY

Romanitza (Romania)...Couture Fashion Show New York

Evgenia Luzhina-Salazar...Couture Fashion Week New York

Couture Fashion Week New York: A Preview

Since 2003, Couture Fashion Week has presented a series of couture and luxury fashion shows a few times each year in New York City, Palm Beach, and other cities.I happened to learn about it last February, when I got an invitation to attend it all three days. Pilar Macchione (USA)  I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out be a quite interesting mix of cultures.

Pattern Skirts... After Naeem Khan Show, Lincoln Center

Love the mix of dots and stripes! Black and white. Yellow and black. Interesting how they don’t compete even though these are two distinct and outstanding statement pieces. What do you think - yes or no to the skirts? I miss NYC…

At Waldorf-Astoria, NYC...Leather Corsets

I took some time to browse through the crowds before and after the show, and I stumbled over the leather corsets, displayed in the hallways of Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, where The Couture Fashion Week New York took place September 16-18. [The photos are coming...]

Really??? Really!... After Naeem Khan Show, NYC

I do understand that each of us has a personal style and I appreciate diversity of each person, but there is always a line, which one should not cross when it comes to attending a high profile runaway show...So, this is what I saw after Naeem Khan show @ Lincoln Center... Anything goes. Anything works. As long as it is a statement and not a sloppy way to show [indifference] to the maker of high fashion. You do brush your teeth when you go on a hot, good-looking, interesting date, don't you? So, take a fashion show as a date and 'brush' up your teeth and hair...Fabulousity is not in the [labels] - it's in the way you correspond and respond to the surroundings. It should be classy, though...Do you agree?

Naeem Khan Spring 2012: The Feminine Look Is Back

Naeem Kahn 's show wraps up Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week with the collection that brought back a feminine side. His Spring 2012 collection was all about celebrating the come back for of a feminine look - the bright colors, flawless body hugging long dresses and flowery patterns are truly celebrating a woman's body and 'old school' Hollywood glamor. I truly enjoyed the fact that many designers this year decided that it's time that a woman should be feminine rather than a uni-sex creature...

Front Row Emotions

It's rather a pleasant surprise to find great images of the front row public's reactions to a fashion show. When I took a closer look at the photos I took of Misha Barton, Robert Verdi [Fashion Guru and TV personality], Rachel Roy and the fashionable girls in the front row at Naeem Khan show, I've noticed quite lively changes of emotions that went through the girls as they watched the collection...

Goodbye New York...

It's never easy to say goodbye to New York. In my opinion, it's the ONLY city in USA where one should live. There is nothing like New York. Today's sunrise of NYC as the bus is driving me away...

A Fashionable Perspective

Working the runaway shows as a photo-reporter comes with a territory - it gives you a chance to stand over the podium on a [photo press deck] and get the best shots of the front and back of a model as well as of the runaway as a whole... However, it would also require you to be there for 5-7 hours at a time. Meaning that - coffee and bathroom runs might be an option, but an unlikely one if you don't want to loose your primer spot to another eager photographer...

It's A Wrap-Up: Fashion Week Is Over

If you've ever had a chance to attend Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, you'd know what I'm talking about when I say - it's an experience that would long resonate with you.

After Naeem Khan's Show...

And once again, I had a pleasure to experience the whole buzz before and after the show - in the audience and outside where the crowds gather to discuss the collections and 'showcase' their own personal styles. That's where the magic happens... Apparently the fur ornaments and vests and leopard-patterned shoes and bright color shoes - are in... So are the red-hue colors - from shoes to dresses. Last night Emmy's made it all clear - the red is in again.

Misha Barton @ Naeem Khan Show

This year I've managed to attend only one show - the closing show by the American designer Naeem Khan. When I got to my seats, I was very happy with where my name tag was laying, waiting for me - in the front row and right across - Misha Barton , who looked beautiful and seemed to be in good spirits.

Boycott of The Fashion Show By GULI

NY POST: "The designing dictator’s daughter also confirmed The Post’s report that the show will be held Thursday at noon at Cipriani on 42nd Street, noting that the label will serve “Welcome cocktails at 11:30.”  And at the same time, on the other end of Manhattan...

Daily Style Inspiration... Uliana, Washington (DC)

I just love the style of Uliana...She does not cease to amaze me with her personal sense of style: they way she combines clothes, shoes and accessories... Every time I see her wearing her "signature" unique style, I immediately ask her, where she got these clothes/accessories/shoes...

Going About Shoes...

Are shoes  - girl's best friends? Yes... I'd say so. As a matter of fact, as many of my girlfriends say - they feel naked without good shoes... Even if you are just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with some great - statement - shoes and a bag, you'd feel like a million bucks. Spotted some serious heels at The NY Couture Fashion Show last February - the shows of which I'll be again attending September 15-18, 2011...

On The Streets of Washington, DC

Every time I travel to a different country -- [just visited Montenegro, Croatia and Italy] -- I take a notice of how locals dress. I'm absolutely fascinated with street fashion - not so much with the runaway, but rather with what people wear on a daily basis. One can discover some fascinating trends and details - if you really, really notice what people wear... Would you say, you are a people-watcher? Washington, DC: U.S. capital comes with a formal [dress code]... He looks sharp, though - and very "matching"... Cities like NYC, Paris, London, Milan, ... - are perfect for people watching. I always take some time on my trips to grab a cup of coffee and sit outside at a cafe to people watch. I also like to browse the streets and capture styles-on-a-go...

Bye, Bye...Old Camera's Magic

I finally decided to say goodbye to my long-term faithful friend, who supported me all through the years, starting with the photography class in 1998...So many beautiful moments I shared with him. So many moments I captured with him... And now it's time to say goodbye and face the realities of the new technology - the digital technology of a camera...And that's really, really sad... That's HIM - my 13-year old camera...


Are the buns still in?

MY NYFW Exclusive Cancelled: Human Rights Protest

Just as I was supposed to be meeting the daughter-turned-designer of Uzbekistani dictator Islam Karimov​, Gulnara Karimova, at her Thursday's fashion show, I get news (as if in Reuters and Associated Press news] that it's been cancelled.

Fab Invite: Press for Couture Fashion Week

Last February I've been invited to cover NY Couture Fashion Week , which many people [who are not the prominent residents of the fashion world] confuse with The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week ...   Yes, it's no more different than MBFW, same podium, same press buzz, same backstage craziness, same fashionably-aware and late crowd, but perhaps less celebrities in attendance and...the runaway designers and their collections are less known to the world - but does not mean less talented - and they represent a rather eclectic wordly group. Most of the designers are - foreign, from exotic countries, less of French/Italian/Japanese/British kind of imports... Got another invite... Exciting! Nevertheless, I've had quite a great time [aside from the wait time in between the shows that - I used wisely - typing away and sending emails to my editor with the texts and photos]...

Crazy Fashion's Night Out Is OVER!

Yes, I've been following #FNO and @FNOnyc a.k.a. Fashion's Night Week on Twitter the days leading up to Thursday, September 8, 2011 big shopping all night bonanza event around the world and I've checked in with them on the very day of shopping craziness. At the end of the day, I saved my credit card from complete demolition [deep down hoping to use it against the trip and shopping in NYC this week...], but I couldn't resist splurging on....

It's Fashion Week!

And I'll be on my way to the great city of fashion - NYC - in a few days... Having been quite an over-packer in the past, my frequent travels taught me how to travel light and pack just the most essential and important items. But that's easy to do if I travel to see my friends and family - a toothbrush and a pair of jeans would do just fine. When it comes to Fashion Weeks - the pressure is on, even for someone who would be behind the scenes, shooting the finest crowd of fashionistas and models and interviewing celebrities is a "fashionable" responsibility - one should "comply" with the fashionable crowd, even if all the running around in high heels kills your feet at the end of the night...Ahh, what a hard job [my friend joked today when I shared my worries with her...] So, what's in my suitcase today - the essentials...

Milano Nails... KIKO

On my road trip in Italy a week ago, I couldn't resist shopping in Milano [because if I hadn't, I'd fallen out of grace with many of my fashionable friends....They'd have just never understood, why I hadn't have done it...] It is the fashionable center of the world, aside from Paris, New York and London. Unspoken-ly many still consider Milan as the "trend setter" city, to which there is a truth as many Italian designers do reside in Milan - the likes of Versace, Armani, Cavalli... Barely spending two days in Milan is never enough, but it's enough to see the main sites of the city and browse through the window displays and even do some [budget] shopping.

One Day in Bologna, Italy...

Just a week ago I was walking the red streets of Bologna, Italy. What a beautiful city! Its reddish hues of the buildings made the city appear even warmer than I'd expected. What appeared to be a sleepy town when all Italians had left for their one-month long vacation, looked rather lovely with the ones who stayed home. I absolutely loved how the older Bologna residents dressed - so comfortably stylish, just going about their business. I've also met very good-lookng young families; you just can't deny the Italians having a "mother-natural" very good eye on how to dress their kids. I've also noted more men on the streets with kids, than women. A few stood out...