Outside The Show: Casually Fashionable, Casually Sweet...And Too Casual
Fashion Show security team is to the fashionistas as a popular lounge's bouncers are to the socialites - unbreakable... |
I usually don't get too upset for having the doors to a fashion show closed on time. That's the procedure. That's the usual policy that everyone should abide to, even the crème de la crème of the fashion world - [except maybe Anna Wintour, who is so IMPORTANTLY ESSENTIAL to the designers that they even schedule the shows around her schedule...]
That's said - I, sometimes, can run late by 5-10 minutes late - [just as it happened last time at the NY Fashion Week] - and don't get in the show, and no matter how much - [and how visual] - I try to explain to the doormen-bouncers a reason behind me being late -...
Apparently, I wasn't the only one late for the show... |
- "Try to run in 5-inch heels on the NYC subway, catching an L-train from the East Side to the West Side, and at the same time - making an effort to look fresh and stylish", or
- "My bus was late by an hour. I slept 4 hours. I just took a 5-hour bus ride JUST FOR THIS SHOW...Please, let me in"
And the 'abduction by the aliens' reasoning behind being late never work anymore...
Nothing really works anymore...But then again, as much as I enjoy shooting the runaways and inside the 'tents', there is nothing like shooting the street fashion - capturing personal styles of the people on the streets. Because at the end of the day - this is what we are interested in - in how OTHER people dress, how they mix -and-match and whether there is SOMETHING we're missing in our wardrobes and what we need to get for THE SEASON...At the end of the day, we dress for other people!