Robert Verdi @MBFW...
I just love, love, love Robert Verdi. His makes me want to dress better :)...
So, you can imagine how excited I was to sit across him at Naeem Khan show @ Lincoln Center. He was dress in all black, very simple, very chic - a black turtleneck, black fit pants [fit as in "European men fit" jeans, as I like it on a man], black shoes, black jacket and big [statement] silver watch. Yes - I did zoom my camera on him...
I've recently read what he had to say about this year's Cathy's transformation [for those who don't know who Cathy Horyn is, Cathy is the notorious New York Time's fashion columnist, who has been with NYT forever - her and Bill Cunningham, my other favorite from the "style/fashion" gang at the publication...Her opinion is very valuable to people in the industry, she once was turned away from a fashion show of a high profile designer because she wrote some nasty stuff - the truth, actually - about his show in the past. I'm actually even following her on the Twitter!].
Anyway, Cathy has been known to cover the fashion, but not to dress the "fashion". She has been always far from being a fashionista herself. So, Verdi's advice for her this year was: "There's something edgy about her. It's difficult to say anything bad about her, because she's so spot-on, smart, and articulate in the medium that it doesn't matter what she wears. So, I'd go with a classic Balenciaga or an Yves Saint Laurent."
- Totally agree! A woman of her statue and the nature of work, classics are always good. Just as it's always good with Anna Wintour, who's been know for her designer's knee high skirts, blouses and mid-size heel size shoes.
I also liked the common sense that Verdi says, but that we always overlook on a daily basis: "I love someone who says f**ck you to fashion and wears comfortable shoes, but when you're going to be noticed, go for something that shapes you, and makes you fee more confident..."
- Totally agree, again!
And: "Oprah always says that you should dress for yourself, but that's BS. You do it for someone else - but you benefit".
- Can he be any more 'right on target' than that???....