The Mohawk of Fendi: Yes or No?

Fendi, Summer/Fall 2013
You might have not yet spotted in your city, but this is what's going to invade the fashion-forward cities in the next few months - the mohawks! And not just any - it will be blue, pink, magenta, violet, orange... And you should know who to blame for this funky punk hairdos!

That would be Fendi, or, to be exact, his Summer/Spring 2013 fashion show that brought to use the mohawk trend. Personally, I'd like to try it one of this days in the Spring, when no hats will be needed anymore.

What do you think: yes or no?


Yury Khorkin said…
Хммм у Мохавков такие прически носили только мужчины, в сочетании с томагавком это пугало врагов, в ХХI веке все перепуталось - "ирокез" носят женщины и пугают тех у кого томагавк))

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