It's Spring Time: The Colors Are Out

It's officially Spring in New York City! No doubt. 

So, while some parts of the world are still battling the winter, the New Yorkers are fiercely - [judging by the enormous crowds at the stores this past weekend] - getting ready for the Spring by scooping the latest trends in clothes, shoes and accessories.

Mind me saying once again that Spring/Summer 2012 might end up being the most colorful time in the past few years that I've observed in America and other parts of the world. It's gonna be screaming blues, greens, yellows, oranges - [ah, my favorite color of all!] - reds, and purples. Just about in any imaginable color and color variation. The color blocks are happening, so take a note - in both clothes, shoes and accessories.

Personally, the color makes me happy and seeing more color on both myself and the others - makes me even happier. 

I'm excited for the coming year and ahead, which means - I might finally replace my overwhelmingly black wardrobe with some more colors and I'll have an excuse to do so... So, do experiment with the colors and do mix and match the colorful clothes, accessories and shoes with the colorful nails. It's all good. Just see how Italians do it, who are notorious for knowing, understanding and utilizing the colors in their lives better than anyone.

What about you? What are the colors that make you happy and you look forward to wearing in the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2012?

Mine is - orange! Although I did like how e x p o s e d my very hot pink nails looked the other week - [because the color is, actually, called the Exposure by Esse], and I did like the very pink flat sandals at Zara, the other day, although my mind kept wondering to High Heel Sandal With Buckles - [which, by the way, are all sold out across the U.S.!] -  remembering seeing those in one of the fashion magazines.


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