A Poême...

There's something about Floanne, the sensitivity of her French jazz - I can just listen, and listen for hours to her on my Pandora. But now, no more - she's coming to America and will be performing in New York City in less than two weeks and I've got my tickets!

Can't even imagine that I've almost missed it. Never thought I'd find tickets to her concert here...

Who would have thought that I'd buy these tickets through The Gilt Group - [a privately held company dedicated to providing its members with access to coveted fashion and luxury lifestyle brands at sample sale prices]. The deals on Gilt, usually, happen once a day, which one should claim on the same day, otherwise - it's gone.

Only if I was late by a day - the deal would have been gone... 

There's, I guess, a point, my dear friends, to check - [and not disregard as I usually do] - emails that come customized in to your email box from the likes of Gilt Group and Living Social just to see if you're not missing anything special...

I'm absolutely thrilled to finally see and hear her in person. I can't wait to listen to her les poêmes live!

Perhaps it all goes back to why I'm so obsessed with France and French culture... 


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