B Untamed: Fringe Afternoon

I'm seriously in trouble - I'm in love with Brian Atwood and...his fringe shoes, Charlene! [Yes, my dear friends, I'm a lesbian - I'm in love with the 'lady' Charlene...]

I know, I know - from the first glance at this shoe, you'd probably call me 'Craaaazy', because it's so 'Uuuugly' ...but it's like with a Sphynx cat, you first think it's the ugliest cat you've ever seen, but then, once you touch it, hold it - you'd realize that it's kind of cute, actually....

Well, hello, Charlene....

However, my 'fringe' shoe affair hasn't just appeared out of the blue. It's been rather triggered by the saucy videos preceding the up-close and personal encounter with the shoes. Blame it all on Brian Atwood!

"B Untamed" through Fringe, by Brian Atwood - [or, the video I blame it all on!]...

His artistic video work continues to make women feel sexy and chic. Even when you are not planning to get anything from a collection, once you've seen his video-commercial - you are in trouble, you want even the things that you've never had in your wardrobe - like fringe, or - [to check-in the hotel room and do all the things he wants you to do in his Fall 2011 collection video...]

The room stops, the attention turns...

The thing is that I am not sure about me-and-fringe combination. I like it on someone else, but when it comes to me, I'm either panicking I'd look like Liza Minnelli in "Cabaret" - [best scenario] - or, I look like an oversize bird... I even had to return two of my Versace for H&M dresses, because they were too fringe-y, and according to my friend - I did NOT belong in so much 'fringe'...- [yes, all that effort of waiting for the launch of Versace collection for H&M, then waiting in the long line for a fitting room and then, salivating over wearing them at some point!] Didn't mean to happen....

That's why the only 'fringe' I have in my closet is a 'take-me-out on a warm night out' fringy bag - [a.k.a. purse]. 

Other than that - I do not befriend 'fringe' very easily. Neither 'fringy' hairstyles become me, nor 'fringy' clothes. 

However, once I saw his lates "B Untamed" that was inspired by seductive, chic, fluid movement and untamed glamour through fringe, I can't get those stilettos out of my mind! Brian Atwood on Net-a-Porter, or you can make your selection right on this website.

What's your take on fringe?


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