Around and About NYC: Dress up, Dress down...
It's been one good day today - Sunday, November 28th, 2011 - [or it's been good for someone who likes to photograph people's fashion around and about the city in the weather that permits to shoot without gloves and under the right natural lighting].
I love shooting around Soho... |
As I took a stroll in various parts of the city - NYC - I've been amazed how differently one can dress in the same weather/temperature: from puffy coats (aka - parkas) and wool blazers and tall riding and arctic boots to light knits, leggings and sneakers - all on one day.
Of course there's always a unique 'flavor' that each of the NYC districts adds to the people's personal styles - those who reside vs. those who visit that part of the city: in Soho - there's one 'flavor', 5th Ave/Upper East Side - another. West Village vs. East Village, Chelsea vs. Downtown - it's all very vibrant and different, with a bit of over-cross in some details, but overall - a pretty fashionable crowd that one can tell apart from the tourists and 'boroughs'' residents.
Soho/Mercer Street
5th Ave/89th Street
Madison Ave/Midtown
East Village