New York City in Fall Colors...

Every time I go to New York City - [or as I call it - my boyfriend] - I fall in love with the city all over again...

A truly amazing versatile city that never sleeps, never stagnate, and which never goes pessimistic... But the amazing - and joyful thing [change] - I've been noticing in the past year or so is that despite the 'dark times' in economy and politics, the city became more colorful - more optimistic. Whereas just a few years ago - in the times of my deep, involved, unassuming, intense romance with the city - the most predominant colors of the city were dark: gray, black, brown, dark navy...

Now, it's the opposite - there is so much color all around  and I'm looooving it...

Even the pastries in the window displays in NYC look very 'optimistic', which in this time is especially very important for the overall encouragement and hope...

Colorful cupcake paradise on Madison Ave.

I couldn't help but notice all the colorful tights on women, all the bright colored jeans, pants, shirts, overcoats and shoes on both men and women. Even the laces are colorful...

Color blocks are very IN this season (and there is quite a good selection of 'color block cloths' at ZARA at the moment), but what's more IN this season is - THE COLORS: bright orange, red, pink...It makes the Fall - a rather pleasant and 'warm' season after all.

Green and yellow hues, bright accessories...Fall does not have to be 'dark and rainy' anymore.

 What about you, what do you prefer?

Check out my "Colorblock-Must-Haves" this week. I'll let you know where you can get - and INEXPENSIVE - the cloths, shoes and accessories to die for! :)...Kisses and ciao, for now.


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