Glamour, Circuit 1939: Beginning of a Glamourous Era

You might not have known this fact - [we take all the fashion magazines for granted now] - but that glossy magazine Glamour that you might be a big fan of, is 73 years old!

That's right. Like you, I take the existing magazines for granted. I do know that they go back in many years, but it's unlikely I'd actually do a research on how they came around. They just did and they are fab...

However, as I've mentioned in my previous post. I visited the Newseum the other day that holds thousands of the archives of the American press of all its kinds and variations. And I happened to come across a newspaper front page cover announcing the VERY FIRST issue of Glamour Magazine...

1939. Its very first editor-in-chief was Alice Thompson (1939–1941). The current editor - a veteran - is Cynthia Leive, who's been with the magazine since 2001.

Editor-in-chief of Glamour Cynthia Leive is seen around Lincoln Center during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week on September 12, 2010 in New York City.


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