It's Fashion Week!

And I'll be on my way to the great city of fashion - NYC - in a few days...

Having been quite an over-packer in the past, my frequent travels taught me how to travel light and pack just the most essential and important items. But that's easy to do if I travel to see my friends and family - a toothbrush and a pair of jeans would do just fine. When it comes to Fashion Weeks - the pressure is on, even for someone who would be behind the scenes, shooting the finest crowd of fashionistas and models and interviewing celebrities is a "fashionable" responsibility - one should "comply" with the fashionable crowd, even if all the running around in high heels kills your feet at the end of the night...Ahh, what a hard job [my friend joked today when I shared my worries with her...]

So, what's in my suitcase today - the essentials...

Fedora, leopard prints and oversize [wooden] jewelry can do no harm, even if you're just wearing a t-shirt...
The killer heels [that most likely] would kill me at the end of the very first day of shooting The Fashion Week.
I'm very into orange hues this season...
I do love shoes. I love them high heels, although more often than I'd like it to be I end up wearing my vintage converse [which reminds me to put it in my suitcase today...]

Those brown boots I got at TopShop NYC last year...And they are still timeless - were as trendy last year, as they are this year. That's the reason I keep coming back to that three-floor store on Broadway, NYC....

Still some time to add some more items. What should I take?


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