Make Love Not Trash
Don't you just love the name of the label itself - Make Love Not Trash?!!
Wouldn't you also want to click on something like this name? And I did!
About a month ago I discovered a very interesting organization that sends out this daily newsletters that are beyond adorable and right to the point - [great use of the social media too!]. When I first came across this site, I was instantly drawn to its content, which in a very simple but visually involving way told very compelling stories and promoted very interesting brands.
The site made me want to subscribe to it even though most of the time I'm not interested in what they are offering. But since the message was cute and unique, I subscribed to it and have been receiving these newsletters on a regular basis, which I can't help myself but read all through.
I couldn't even help myself and contacted the founder of this organization on Facebook and send him my compliments for the things his organization - Ethical Ocean does. And now we are Facebook pals...
They are based in Toronto, Canada, and they make it a goal to promote and bring awareness to the local eco-friendly, green companies and organizations. I just love them and I'd strongly suggest to subscribe to their newsletter that offers very interesting information - from films to watch to brands to shop. Oh - you might just like the visuals they use and the stories they tell. Very compelling, very inviting, and very encouraging all together...
So, today as the millions of other Americans out there, I've been receiving all these emails and newsletters from the shopping sites I subscribe to, introducing the Cyber Monday sales - [the funny thing is that I've been living in USA for almost 20 years and not once, ever, I've shopped on The Black Friday and Cyber Monday.] And what an excellent way to remember all the email subscriptions you have if it wasn't for the Cyber Monday? I've received about 50 emails alone, from the likes of J. Crew,, Tickets on Broadway, Victoria Secret, Amazon and ULTA, all offering the Cyber Monday deals, which made me rethink some of the subscriptions I have since I hardly use any of them.
However, only one of them caught my eye and it was from this Ethical Ocean site. I couldn't help but wanting to browse their sweet ECO-FRIENDLY Cyber Monday deals! There are so many companies I had had no idea about! Well, just judge by yourself!
One of the items on sales they are offering is this bag deal from Make Love Not Trash. It's called - The Doctor's Bag.

Wouldn't you also want to click on something like this name? And I did!
About a month ago I discovered a very interesting organization that sends out this daily newsletters that are beyond adorable and right to the point - [great use of the social media too!]. When I first came across this site, I was instantly drawn to its content, which in a very simple but visually involving way told very compelling stories and promoted very interesting brands.
The site made me want to subscribe to it even though most of the time I'm not interested in what they are offering. But since the message was cute and unique, I subscribed to it and have been receiving these newsletters on a regular basis, which I can't help myself but read all through.
I couldn't even help myself and contacted the founder of this organization on Facebook and send him my compliments for the things his organization - Ethical Ocean does. And now we are Facebook pals...

They are based in Toronto, Canada, and they make it a goal to promote and bring awareness to the local eco-friendly, green companies and organizations. I just love them and I'd strongly suggest to subscribe to their newsletter that offers very interesting information - from films to watch to brands to shop. Oh - you might just like the visuals they use and the stories they tell. Very compelling, very inviting, and very encouraging all together...
So, today as the millions of other Americans out there, I've been receiving all these emails and newsletters from the shopping sites I subscribe to, introducing the Cyber Monday sales - [the funny thing is that I've been living in USA for almost 20 years and not once, ever, I've shopped on The Black Friday and Cyber Monday.] And what an excellent way to remember all the email subscriptions you have if it wasn't for the Cyber Monday? I've received about 50 emails alone, from the likes of J. Crew,, Tickets on Broadway, Victoria Secret, Amazon and ULTA, all offering the Cyber Monday deals, which made me rethink some of the subscriptions I have since I hardly use any of them.
However, only one of them caught my eye and it was from this Ethical Ocean site. I couldn't help but wanting to browse their sweet ECO-FRIENDLY Cyber Monday deals! There are so many companies I had had no idea about! Well, just judge by yourself!
One of the items on sales they are offering is this bag deal from Make Love Not Trash. It's called - The Doctor's Bag.

Make Love Not Trash is a California-based eco-friendly label that offers very interesting bags for 50% off right now. I'm so loving the design of it, and not to mention the fact that it's also eco-friendly!
- Brenna, Ethical Ocean