Fashion By The Sea

The last place I'd go for fashion to would have been the South Street Seaport Museum, but as I've learned last week: 
1) never underestimate the fashion scene in New York City
2) fashion can be found in the most unexpected places 
3) there's still a lot I don't know about New York City - and keeps surprising me... 

Last week I was doing some research when I came across an interesting blurb about a Fashion Night Out event at the South Street Seaport Museum and I thought that they might be joking as this is the last museum I could assume would be doing a fashion event. But they did, and they had a reason for that. 

The museum's exhibit "Made In New York" featured the local aspiring designers - the graduates of Parsons School of Design. Of course, one should take into consideration that the South Street Seaport Museum is not MET, so the exhibition is not of the same grandeur. It's on a smaller scale, but nevertheless, a very interesting one. It reminded me of something The Museum at F.I.T. (Fashion Institute of Technology) would do. 

So, I bought my $10.00 ticket to see what's this Made in New York fashion exhibit is all about.

The exhibition featured six NY-based fashion designers from Parsons Design School who exclusively design and make there garments in the city and who won prestigious student awards. These few students were chosen to showcase their works at the museum to show the graduating raw talents that the city is raising. There were some very impressive talents, which I could tell might soon become the next Marc Jacobs and Alexander Wang. 


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