An Urban Fashion Legend Comes To Live: Paganne Is Back

I'm reading:
Almost 30 years ago Paganne fashion house closed its doors due to the economic recession, along with many other fashion prominent houses. The brand became a legend, and only the most vintage lovers were tracking it down, gathering piece by piece from various exclusive vintage shops, collectors and fashion galleries, so that they could have a record of once worn by celebrities and fashionistas around the world print fashion brand.
And the blood flow in my body starts to sending me hives - the kind of hives that make your excited about something. I've been waiting for the release of this video for months.
Last May, Paganne fashion house invited me to Aruba to do a photo-shoot for this very first collection since the times the brand ceased to exist in 1983. I saw that it truly meant something for the creative team of Paganne - it was their 'firstborn' - Paganne very first collection that is not only the first to come after 30 years of silence, but it was a collection that features a modern twist on the Paganne vintage print dresses that once graced the pages of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. It's a big pressure, believe me, to debut a collection that comes from a fashion house with a long history of success.
So, as they were getting anxious to show me the new face of Paganne, I was getting nervous about the photo-shoot, because it put so much pressure on me to do the work that would not only highlight the modern vision of the fashion house, but also not to overlook the 'historic' prints of Paganne.
So, here's a very first look behind the scenes of a very first photo-shoot for Paganne Reborn In LA new collection. @PaganneFashion