
Showing posts from June, 2012

The Allure Of Cannes: Me, Myself And The Cannes Lions

Two years ago I happened to be in the South of France and visited The French Riviera, including Cannes. It was in June, right fresh after the Cannes Film Festival, which happens in May each year. The red carpet was still there. The posters and big billboards of Cannes and celebrities were still there, and the 'atmosphere', thanks to the tourists, was somewhat festive... Of course, I had to 'inspect' the city and make my own impression of it, rather than from the blue screens of the television during the festival, when it's all about fab, fun and glitter. Here's how I saw it....

Subway Fashion Rules

Well, it's not the rules of NY subway , it's the lack of it - or, rather, the freedom of the fashion on subway. There's no, really, rules on how one should dress on public transportation in NYC. The other day, for example, I saw a 6'2" tall drag queen getting out of the bus on 23rd Street and 5th Ave. And on a day like "No Pants Day" , you might see hundreds of people riding subway with, literally, no pants - including men and women.  I see more and more young men do this hairstyle...What is this, are the "Crazy" and "West Side Story" days back?

An Individual Style To Biking

Should I say no more that I'm a big fan of biking? Although, recently, I've been spending more time rollerblading.   Nevertheless, whenever I go out to bike and/or rollerblade, I take my camera, because, biking is not just sports and/or fitness, it's got its own style. Or, should I say, the people who bike - they've got their own style of biking. I see very interesting characters: from couple's biking to very professional bikers with a full attire and equipment. I see kids and elderly. I see two-some/three-some bikes that allow to tag the small kids along. I see all sorts of interesting bikers, helmets, baskets, bags, etc... Here's an interesting comparison: a professional biker vs. a casual stylish bike-stroller...

A Color Jean Group: Any Time, Any Age

Perhaps it's just in time to say congratulations on another successful Pride Parade! It's been especially colorful in the city with all the rainbow colors and stylish gay singles and couples taking the streets to celebrate and be proud. When I spotted this group of girlfriends, I realized that jeans are no longer only limited to black and blue colors. There's, probably, not a single person in this time and age that does not have a pair of colorful jeans. There are some good colors available in jeans in many stores, like Zara, H&M, J Brand, Levi's, Uniqlo...What's more is that colors are not only for teenagers anymore. I love seeing older women and men wear colors. Perhaps it's the "European" talking in me. I just love how, for example, Italians are dressing - they are, definitely, not afraid of the colors.

On My Mind...

I usually try to not post the photos I didn't take. I only post non-mine photos of the pieces from the designers and collections I really, really admire and desire... Such as these few pieces that have been on my mind from Proenza Schouler fall 2012:

The Working Girls: An Office Dress Code

Ah, braze yourself, dear New Yorkers. It's going to  be +36C (high 90s) degrees today, which means - it's all about being short, light, sleeveless and... sexy in a very professional way, of course.

So Simple, So Chick, So...Many Ways

The infinity dress by Donna Karan is back and it's ready to travel with you around the world. Damn, only if I could have three weeks ago!

Every New York Woman's Magic Word: Sample Sales

  Don't you just love New York and it's 60-70-80% sample sales? Even though it doesn't happen often, when it happens - it pours. All over the city: Chelsea, Fifth Ave, Union Square... My God! How can a busy New York woman/man make it all happen within just a few days, taken that they all have the same day and time deadlines and the fact that most of us work for a living?

In And About NYC: Wall Street Guy...

  Long before I've even ever visited Wall Street , I've pictured it - [ based on many 'corporate' American movies ] - such as that the women and men are all dressed sharp in suits, walking up and down the Wall Street, trading our money, managing our funds, betting at the New York Exchange... 

Girls, Boys & Printed Pants

Yes? No? Indifferent?

New York On Hudson: Weekend's Chilling

There's a certain serenity to the Hudson (west side) riverfront. It's a certain serenity that takes over all the six senses at once. At least, that's how I feel about it when I spend time either rollerblading, running, sunbathing and/or biking there.  It's a misconception that, when people work out, they do not people-watch and/or notice anything around themselves. As a matter of fact, that's one of the advantages of doing activities outdoors - you work out, but at the same time you are enjoying the fresh air, beautiful serene views and you also see, what's going on with the others in the same space with you. 

Summer, Shorts & Movies In The Park

I'm back! For what seemed like an eternity for my readers - [ shame on me, I haven't written my blog for more than two weeks! Ahh... ] - it felt like one day for me. How many of you are not loving the summer time? I love summers! I worship summers! That's been my excuse for not being too much on the computer, but rather - being out and about enjoying the weather, sights and taking trips. [ I'd be posting photos of two of the trips I've taken in the last three weeks - to Cape Cod, finally a dream came true, the place I wanted to visit for a while, and photos from the camping trip I've taken to Echo Rock Festival... ] All in all, New York City is finally getting to enjoy the summer with some - [ of course ] - humidity and looots of the outdoor activities. In particularly - and personally - I'm looking forward to enjoying the summer nights out in the parks around the city watching the movies ( HBO Bryant Park Summer Film Festival and Movies ...