Wearable Social Media: Your Facebook Keds?
Now you can apply your obsession with the social media / social networks to your dress code. You can now wear your Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and Dribble on your feet! You might have no choice.
Italy-based graphic designer Lumen Bigott has combined Keds brand sneakers with images from familiar online companies in her 2011 concept project, Social Media Shoes.

See what I mean...
Italy-based graphic designer Lumen Bigott has combined Keds brand sneakers with images from familiar online companies in her 2011 concept project, Social Media Shoes.
I’m a big fan of inspiration blogs, I also spend a lot of time in social networks and I love fashion: those three things are responsible of this shoes collection. The idea was to find the most important graphic elements of my favorite social networks and apply them to my favorite pair of shoes trying to keeping alive the essence of each brand.
So, what's next? A hat with a LinkedIn logo or an evening gown with a Pinterest logo? Some interesting time we are living in - a true social media age. Even the fashion industry is succumbing to the social media hysteria...
