Me, Myself And My Skates: One Happy Rollerblading Girl

Last weekend I finally opened the rollerblading - a.k.a. inline skating - season in New York!
I've been waiting for this moment all winter and early spring because this was going to be my come-back after not having skated in the city for more than six years.
The last time I rollerbladed in New York was in Central Park, remembering that it was - by far - the only place, at that time, comfortable and safe enough for the rollerblading and away from the street traffic. All other rollerblading-friendly places were either located far from Manhattan - in the boroughs of the city, like Bayridge in Brooklyn and required serious commuting to.from - or they were limiting space-wise, like a skating rink or something. And I can not do any skating rinks!
However, as I've mentioned before, once I discovered how bike-friendly New York has become over the last few years and since the last time I biked in the city, including my fantastic discovery of the west side path along the Hudson River - the riverfront's bike/rollerblading/running-friendly path along the river line - I couldn't wait to take my rollerblades for a ride from uptown to downtown!
My comeback's finally happened two weeks ago, which was an amazing experience for me, because I thought nothing could really beat the experience of skating along the Pacific Ocean shoreline in Los Angeles County, CA - where when you bike/skate, you see the amazing views of the ocean and beach activities on one side of the path, and the city's landscape on the other side, all the way from Malibu and Santa Monica State Beach to Venice City Beach and Marina Del Rey.
Nevertheless, now I know that I can finally let go of my nostalgic memories of those LA rollerblading times and embrace the New York's experience, because it can finally match up to it! And no matter how much Bethenny Frankel prides herself for skating on the busy streets of Manhattan, nothing really beats the experience of rollerblading with all the amenities on site - plus the views - and sans the traffic lights! [I do agree with her, though, that's in the big city like New York, one has to find whatever means possible for exercising that fits your own lifestyle and personality. I found mine, but it did take NYC years to make those activities enjoyable, though!]

So, even though the Hudson River might not be the most beautiful river in the world, the things that the city government did for the New Yorkers to accommodate the residents, who like taking their workouts outside, are amazing. I'm extremely happy with the water fountains, benches, shade-areas, lawns and such that make the outside exercising experience so much more enjoyable.

And for all my rollerblading/in-line skating lovers, check my Fab, Tech And Media blog to learn about the cool Apps for both amateur and experienced skaters! For those who do not have their own rollerblades/skates, here's a list of the places in the city, where you can rent them.
Now, take a virtual ride with me...
And to put a 'cherry on top' of this blog post, here's an exclusive revelation of a recipe for the ultimate protein shake-smoothie that would help those muscles of yours to both build-up, nurture and soothe after a work-out. This is one of the best things I've taken away from my LA fitness friends and trainers. [I hope they didn't trademark this shake!:)]
Ingredients: soy non-dairy milk, spinach, celery, banana, old-fashioned raw oats, raw sunflower seeds (or can be any seeds - pumpkin seeds, walnuts, etc.), a spoon of protein powder (I use Organic Hemp Protein Powder non-vanilla one from Trader's Joe) and ice. Blend it all and drink up! Cheers!
