Food, Fashion, Men And...Botox
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The Coffee Shop's Lump Crab Avocado Mango Arugula salad... |
The other day over a brunch at one of my favorite cafes in the city The Coffee Shop - [remember The Sex and The City's girls' favorite place?] with my girlfriend - [we had the same - the yummy Lump Crab Avocado Mango Arugula salad and their signature mixed berry mojitos], we got into talking about, how a lot of women these days are concerned with the designer's brands and labeling themselves up. [It was easy to do as the perfect outside seating of the Coffee Shop allows for plenty of people-watching...]
We talked about women who would spend their last savings on the designer's shoes, designer's clothes, designer's accessories to fit the certain 'profile' of a successful, stylish woman to attract a certain kind of man... Yes, despite the common belief that women dress for women, in the city like NYC, they actually dress more for men, or - to meet a certain kind of a man.
We both agreed that it does not matter how much you'd 'stuff' yourself with the labels, because if you are not a good-looking person in its most pure form - when you're wearing zero make up and zero clothes. No matter how much you dress up and wear the designer's clothes, a woman would not look good unless she has lovely features without it all. And vice versa - a lovely woman can be wearing an old T-shirt from K-Mart and slippers from Payless, and would still look beautiful, because she does not have to beautify herself with any of it - she is 'originally' beautiful...
For example, there's absolutely no way one can ruin the lovely features of one of my favorite models in the world - Natalia Vodianova. No matter how hard the make-up artist would try to 'uglify' her, she still looks beautiful, sensual, adorable...

And sans the ugly make-up...
how far you can go to look beautiful?
By the way, speaking of 'beautifying' yourself. This month the Botox (Botulinium Toxin) is
celebrating it's 10th year anniversary - [yes, believe it or not, it's been around for quite some time], and to mark the occasion, across
the media there are articles on this toxin's history, effects and future.
Personally, I don't believe in doing Botox. Just as with the plastic
surgeries, it lasts 3-5 months - [the surgeries last a little longer], but once the toxins wear out, the wrinkles go back in place, so one has to do it over and over and
over again - pretty much all his/her life! But what would I know about
the cosmetic use of the Botox, I only used it a few times for the muscle
strain. First time, actually - 10 years ago, when it was just the 'new
happening in medicine' thing. Back then, the doctors explained to me
what it it does to a body.
It's a toxin, ladies, it is a TOXIN, but it does not make
your life shorter - so, no worries. But what it does - it weakens the
muscles, it affects them in the way that they restructure to loosen up. So, up until just a few years ago, it was only used in medicine
under a strict doctor's supervision and prescription! Now, we receive LivingSocial coupon deals on Botox injections, like it's some kind of an eye exam. It still is a TOXIN! And just as you won't eat toxic food, you don't want to put the toxins in your body the other way... Just eat healthy, exercise, sleep long and well, drink plenty of water, and surround yourself with the positive people - this would make you much more younger than the Botox, plus - you would be still able to use your facial muscles and express emotions.