A Woman In Black: In And About NY

Going, going - gone... Shooting in the action can be both fun and... inconvenient. But the end result can be truly surprising as it actually shows the style in action, emphasizing certain details that stills can not...

I truly enjoy the way people dress in New York. It seems as if everyone has a distinctive personal style, thus, it makes NYC a perfect jungle of opportunities for all the street fashion bloggers who roam the streets to shoot the personal styles of the new yorkers, who are not hard to spot. On the contrary - it's hard to choose among the many...

Some districts of the city are the most popular with the street fashion photographers - for the choices of the residents and visitors from other parts of the city who have a very distinctive personal style. Those are LES (Low East Side), SOHO, Meatpacking District, Hell's Kitchen, East/West Village, etc... 

Of course, I do have my own 'photographic getaways', where I can spot a few fashionistas to take a photo of. Although - I do like expanding my locations of street fashion photographic adventures and venture out to other areas, less explored by the likes of Scott Schuman, Bill Cunningham and Bryan Boy. Sometimes I even spot someone I take a note of his/her personal style on the way to work and/or a grocery shop. For example...

Here's a woman I spotted the other day. Being a big fan of all 'black', especially when it comes to winter clothes and boots, I instantly noticed her out of the crowd. She stood up, even in all her 'black'. She stood out of all other grays, blacks, browns and such... Her style really reminded my style - very black, very classy, very stylish. 

From top to toe - all was perfectly black and stylish all the way... even the sunglasses.

After I've posted this blog, I came across - by accident - a photo by Albert Levy, that captured exactly the same kind of moment that I did, only his were taken in 1870s-1890s...

What a photographic coincidence!!


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