The Christmas Fashion: Santas Are Out
It's been quite an interesting day last Saturday - the overindulgence in two very different events that took place that day and draw my attention to. One was a complete the opposite from the other one: a very silly entertaining one vs. a very serious important one. I must, though, admit, I enjoyed both!
Last Saturday, I became a witness of my very first Naked Santa Day in NYC, which - as it seems - I happened to miss through all 5 years of my life in NYC. Perhaps I was preoccupied with the New Year's celebration - my favorite holiday of all times - more than with Christmas? Maybe, maybe... But as far as I remember myself, I never participated in such massively silly dress-alike events in my life. [Halloween doesn't count...]
And on the same day, at the same time - last Saturday - I've also been a witness of the Russian protest against Putin and parliamentary election fraud at the Russian consulate. That happened to be just one block from the Central Park, where Santas roamed free.
On one hand - there's a crowd with a serious mission holding serious posters - [well, most of them were serious, except for the one that said "Putin, go back to your wife"]. On the other hand, passing through the political protesters were Santas - men and women dressed in Santa Claus outfits, which on some of them were missing parts of the clothing...
It's been a very surreal day because at the very same time when the 'Santas' were doing their silly holiday walk in the Central Park, at the very same time, just a few blocks away (91st Street and Madison Ave.), the Russian residents of NYC and the boroughs were raising the flags and posters, demonstrating their anger verbally and visually against the December 4th election fraud and return of the Vladimir Putin's power. Surrounded by the police, the Russian Americans definitely stood out from Santas in the neighborhood, the combination of which made a rather daring experience for the ones who witnessed both - and I did! Of course, the Santas day didn't end at the border of Central Park and Manhattan, it continued throughout the day, which made it a rather entertaining day for everyone in the city, who happened to dine with Santas, ride subway with Santas, who with Santas, and getting late night drinks with Santas...
And on the same day, at the same time - last Saturday - I've also been a witness of the Russian protest against Putin and parliamentary election fraud at the Russian consulate. That happened to be just one block from the Central Park, where Santas roamed free.
On one hand - there's a crowd with a serious mission holding serious posters - [well, most of them were serious, except for the one that said "Putin, go back to your wife"]. On the other hand, passing through the political protesters were Santas - men and women dressed in Santa Claus outfits, which on some of them were missing parts of the clothing...
It's been a very surreal day because at the very same time when the 'Santas' were doing their silly holiday walk in the Central Park, at the very same time, just a few blocks away (91st Street and Madison Ave.), the Russian residents of NYC and the boroughs were raising the flags and posters, demonstrating their anger verbally and visually against the December 4th election fraud and return of the Vladimir Putin's power. Surrounded by the police, the Russian Americans definitely stood out from Santas in the neighborhood, the combination of which made a rather daring experience for the ones who witnessed both - and I did! Of course, the Santas day didn't end at the border of Central Park and Manhattan, it continued throughout the day, which made it a rather entertaining day for everyone in the city, who happened to dine with Santas, ride subway with Santas, who with Santas, and getting late night drinks with Santas...

Here's also a video, but it's not mine...