Affordable Versace?
Are you ready for the Versace + H&M Collaboration? I am!
The collection is going to be released on November 17 in various markets around the world. If you live in the USA or Canada, it’s going to be available on November 19, 2011. The prices would range from $17.95 to $299.
Braze yourself for a crazy line outside the store when Versace collection hits H&M! I know I will be there with my camera to capture the 'battle' of the fashionistas and, perhaps, some cash. So far of what I've seen - [if to believe that this would be the items that would be selling at H&M - ahhh] - I liked it...I might even join the line of the NY fashionistas myself.
The collection is going to be released on November 17 in various markets around the world. If you live in the USA or Canada, it’s going to be available on November 19, 2011. The prices would range from $17.95 to $299.
Here are just a few of the items that will be available at H&M in two weeks. There will be also accessories and shoes.