Is there, really, a right away to dress in winter? I, honestly, applaud to everyone who can even in the coldest times maintain style and fashion. I, personally, am always cold. Alwaaaays! And that makes it for a non-fashionable statement in the city that gets snow, rain and below-zero temperature. Up to when the first breath can be seen outside, I manage to style up just fine, but when it becomes crucial for me to stay warm and not feel like a walking goose-bump alert, I realize that at this point, there is not real sense of me being too stylish at the expense of my health and sanity. So, I succumb to my anckle length parka, wool beanie and leather gloves with extra padding. However, while I might give up an idea of wearing overalls that would make Daphne Guinness proud, I refuse to be less fashionable down below...